Search Engine Optimisation

SEO stands for search engine optimisation. And it is the process in which strategies, techniques and tactics are used to get traffic from search engines.

SEO usually means obtaining high ranking in search engines like GoogleBing and Yahoo etc.

There are mainly two types of SEO. Though both types of SEO have their respective opponents, most websites with long-term, stable goals will try to stay away from black hat SEO.

White hat SEO uses techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings. Like by improving keywords, good quality social content etc.

But Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine system to obtain high rankings for a website. Such technique includes spam, keyword stuffing, cloaking etc.

Judging from their overall level the level of White Hat SEO is high and for Black Hat SEO it is low as they use spam info’s.

One can expect gradual but lasting traffic from White Hat SEO. But from Black Hat SEO it will be short-lasting unpredictable traffic, which often ruins on site or company.

Finally, there is really no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do search engine optimisation, but those who are shopping for SEO services should be aware of the different approaches so that they can know the level of risk they are taking.

Benefits of SEO

SEO is very important for any organisation or company that runs online service. They must keep their content up to date and well to keep customer up and running.

There numerous benefits of SEO. Some of them are:


  1. Steady and lasting Traffic:
    Top positions on the search engine result pages receive a majority of the impressions, views and clicks, so ranking in these top positions can bring in significant traffic increases for your website.

SEO also aims at creating informative and keyword relevant keywords, which will show up in the result pages. Having and relevant niches and descriptions helps to increase traffic.

  1. Better ROI:
    Someone may pay for 1000 visitors but 2% of those might convert into a sale. But when you get 1000 clicks by SEO, 5% of those is more likely to convert into dale, leading to better return of investment.

This higher conversion rate in just one of the benefits of SEO which cannot be compared with any other type of online marketing.

  1. Effective cost
    SEO is one of the most financially effective methodologies since it targets clients and their needs. Good social content will attract many eyes.

SEO’s inbound nature helps organisations save cash instead of unguaranteed investments. While PPC can be a viable way to have traffic.

But SEO will have lasting traffic that will gradually increase with time if the content is optimised time to time.


  1. Brand awareness
    Since top position rankings get huge impressions, having your site in these top positions on the result of search engine pages means much more to your website. Other than that, being on the first not just helps clients to relate your image with those words, however it creates trust, since organisations on the first page are for the most believed as to be more dependable. The higher your pages rank in high positions in the web search tools, the more chance you have for clients to see your substance and connect with you.
  1. Ease to use:
    Nothing is easy to use not SEO or PPC. Both have their respective complexity depending on your content or website.

But today where you can have online services like web design, web marketing, copywriting, ghost writing, editing, SEO services, email marketing, Proof reading, article rewritten and blog post etc in Upwork, freelancer, fiverr and other freelancing site in a good deal. One company can easily create social and quality content for their site to have higher rank in search engine.

Google Search engine optimisation SEO means set of techniques and method to appear on the first page of  search engine’s search result. And people all over the world trust Google as their first and foremost search engine. So you can apply some tricks to increase your chance to be on top.




By providing high-quality content on your page and especially have good presentation on your homepage. It will help you immensely as Google gives quick search on your site if it finds the right keyword it will definitely put you on its list. If your pages contain useful info, good content will attract many visitors .so Think about the words users would use to find your pages and include those words on your site.


Links help our engine find your site and can give your website much more visibility the search results. Google uses sophisticated text-matching techniques to find out  pages that are both important and relevant to each search and also Google interprets a link from page one to page two as a vote by page one for page two.

Natural links to your site will help you develop the dynamic nature of the web when other sites find your content valuable and they will that it would be helpful for their visitors.

And this how you get honest and good traffic.


Building a site with a logical link structure and unique but accessible design your site will get much more visibility.

Making your sites easy and accessible will not only help Google to find but also create new clients.

  1. Things to avoid:

There are some things one should avoid like don’t fill your page with lists of keywords which is called keyword stuffing, attempt cloaking pages or using spam tags and meta description.

If your site contains pages, links, or text like that you are more likely to lose visitors. Google considers those pages deceptive and may ignore your site for forever.

How SEO Works:

Although the Search Engines are gradually refining how they rank web sites. And they also cares about the visitors who are going to use their engine.

They work on two platforms they are:

  • Onsite – your content and website framework
      • targeting the best keyword providers
      • matching contents to target specific keywords
      • creating new content to target specific keywords
      • having the best website framework and design
  • Offsite – how your website is connected to from other sources
    • Creating  of high quality profile
    • having a relevant and active social media connection
    • creating non-linked citations about you

Everything else is about strategy, techniques– the Search Engines look at over 2500 signals when finding web pages, and every year they add over 400 refinements – so a key part of the search engine’s job is keeping your website at the leading edge.


Why can not one publish something in his own view or perspective?

Why he/she has to specific rules to get seen in online world?

These are the arguments we or anybody have against SEO.

The simple answer would be…..internet, computer or search engines do not have a human’s perspective or simply a emotion to judge good and bad they just stores information and present it to you.

To get some info we have to press right buttons to access them. The computer will not guess what we want and how we want it. It is just a machine. So to use internet for ourselves and to share our information to other people in the world we have press right buttons and submit it to internet so whenever one wants something and he/she write something in the search engine he/she may get it.

So to make one website accessible to one other we must ready according to other people’s conveniences. And also to overcome the limits of technology we have to SEO. As example computer cannot understand pictures they store it as what you named it. So whenever some will write those words or somewhat closer words he/she will be able to see it.

Luckily, SEO permits webmasters to give signs that the engines can use to comprehend the content. In fact, adding proper structure to one content is fundamental to SEO. Understanding both the capacities and constraints of search engines permits you to appropriately build, arrange, and annote your web content in a way that search engine can process. Without SEO, a site can be invisible to search engines.

SEO recommendations

After choosing the SEO keywords but before writing a ton of content, you have to make some choices.

Before you start, you need to know the following:

  • What your site is about?
  • What is the purpose of your site?
  • How much committed you are to it?

Once you’ve answers of these three things, then it’s time to get to work.

To optimise your site for search engines, you’ll need to follow some basic tips or one can say rules:


You can present other stuff, too, but you have to choose one primary topic that is most essential to your massage or service.

This step is very important, so you may want to do a little keyword research before choosing your theme or topic.




There are a lot of content management systems for to do this work automatically, but if yours doesn’t do it, at that point you’ll need to be intentional about connecting to your most important pages directly from your home page and cross-referencing them with each other.


Some sites have “bad” permalink structures that use numbers or characters to identify pages.

It’s bad for SEO and just doesn’t look good and not user friendly.

Use a URL structure that includes text including keywords.


Studies show that pages taking longer time to load loose half of its visitors.

Page load times are crucial, so get rid of any unimportant thing that slows down your website.

These may include music players, large videos, large images, graphics, and unnecessary plug-ins.


Include keywords that reflect your site topic in the image title or description.

Also, re-write the file name if it doesn’t reflect your main keywords (e.g. seo-tips.jpg instead of l11334.jpg).


Sites with dynamic content are usually rank higher than static content. That’s why blogs, social media post are getting more higher ranking then directories (like Wikipedia). So keep them constantly updated with new content.


None of the above will matters if you create content that looks like a robot wrote it.

Write not emotional but great stuff, follow the steps and have patience gradually you’ll see results.

Paid ranking CPC vs. Organic Ranking

Paid per click or otherwise known PPC is a way by which sites, companies, organisations pay to get traffic and Search engine Optimisation or otherwise known as SEO is the way by which one can attract traffic free of cost by using certain tips and tricks.

PPC is also known as Paid ranking or CPC cost per click.

And SEO is also known as natural ranking, organic ranking etc.

They both are accessible to anyone; they both have their respective advantages and disadvantages.

The main difference between them is that SEO cost nothing and bring more honest and lasting traffic than PPC. As PPC process generates quick but short-lasting traffic.

SEO visitors are more likely to convert than PPC visitors. It is one the benefits of SEO.

But if one can use both in a right way one may bring both honest and new visitors to the site.

In the battle of CPC/PPC and SEO, SEO is more likely to win 94% almost every time.

You can pay for traffic using PPC advertising systems provided by Google Adwords and others. They enable one to display ads in the sponsored results section. Then, you pay — based on your chosen keyword.
Alternatively, you can build traffic for free by attaining high rankings in the natural search results, thus the listings displayed next to the sponsored results. You will need to follow SEO best uses to try to get your site displayed on the front pages more often. It may take time and patience to reach the top of the results, but the free, desired traffic will probably prove to be worth it.

It depends on your needs and budget. If you want huge traffic fast and have money and will to pay for it, then PPC might be right for you. But if you’re operating on a less budget, it may much more plausible to invest time to go after high search rankings through SEO.SITE INDEXED IN SEARCH ENGINES.

A lot of search engines will automatically find you and index your content, but don’t take it as demanded.

You need make sure engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are digging in your site, so that people can find you online

  1. Don’t change your domain name frequently

The age of your URL is a factor that will reflect on your site’s search ranking, so be patient and stick with one domain name.


None of the above will matters if you create content that looks like a robot wrote it.

Write not emotional but great stuff, follow the steps and have patience gradually you’ll see results.

Paid ranking CPC vs. Organic Ranking

Paid per click or otherwise known PPC is a way by which sites, companies, organisations pay to get traffic and Search engine Optimisation or otherwise known as SEO is the way by which one can attract traffic free of cost by using certain tips and tricks.

PPC is also known as Paid ranking or CPC cost per click.

And SEO is also known as natural ranking, organic ranking etc.

They both are accessible to anyone; they both have their respective advantages and disadvantages.

The main difference between them is that SEO cost nothing and bring more honest and lasting traffic than PPC. As PPC process generates quick but short-lasting traffic.

SEO visitors are more likely to convert than PPC visitors. It is one the benefits of SEO.

But if one can use both in a right way one may bring both honest and new visitors to the site.

In the battle of CPC/PPC and SEO, SEO is more likely to win 94% almost every time.

You can pay for traffic using PPC advertising systems provided by Google Adwords and others. They enable one to display ads in the sponsored results section. Then, you pay — based on your chosen keyword.
Alternatively, you can build traffic for free by attaining high rankings in the natural search results, thus the listings displayed next to the sponsored results. You will need to follow SEO best uses to try to get your site displayed on the front pages more often. It may take time and patience to reach the top of the results, but the free, desired traffic will probably prove to be worth it.

It depends on your needs and budget. If you want huge traffic fast and have money and will to pay for it, then PPC might be right for you. But if you’re operating on a less budget, it may much more plausible to invest time to go after high search rankings through SEO.


This is the question that business owners have in mind. Most business owners, companies and marketers are happy to invest heavily in SEO when the result can be predicted and measured. The problem is that as you may have already known that, SEO doesn’t work that way.

In late 2012, SEO and Internet marketing consultant Sam McRoberts wrote the article – “Investing in SEO the Warren Buffett Way”.

You can check it out, but here’s the gist of it, he said that SEO works more like the stock market.

You choose your stocks or in our case keywords based on the content or knowledge you have at hand, and then you wait. You’ll experience periods of growth and decline in our case ranking fluctuations, but one thing is certain that the stock market and SEO are both long-term work.

There’s no shortcut to riches in either case.

However, over the long run, you can expect to see honest growth if you’re patient enough to stay on track through the ups and downs of the market or I our case rankings fluctuations.

For most business owners this is an uncomfortable prospect when it comes down to SEO. The good practice of SEO, is like the stock market, need to have forward-thinking mentality. It means not jumping or skipping when rankings fluctuate, as they will for sure from time to time. It indicates being prepared for anything, but committing to it and having patience for long term is the key, regardless, as long as you’re doing the right things.

We are not comparing SEO to the lottery or slot machines. Because it is not about luck you have to have good knowledge of the market before you start buying stock just like you need good understanding of search engine and your visitors before you start write SEO content. A successful SEO strategy will mean researching best keywords based on potential traffic, and the potential for conversions.

A Strategy for a Long-Term Investment

This process likely involves researching and investigation, among other factors to write or present SEO content, a company’s:

  • Financial statements
  • Competitive advantages
  • brand recognition
  • Expert opinions
  • Past performance

One has to weigh these factors against the amount of risk they’re taking with before making a final decision. They’re essentially making a best assumption based on the information and knowledge they’ve accumulated.

SEO works in the same way. Using the tools, strategies, tactics and knowledge available to you, you gather information about the best keywords. Factors you’ll need to consider including,

  • Potential traffic
  • Competitiveness of keywords
  • Searcher intent or what would searcher want?
  • trends and predictions

When anyone ask or wonder about how they can predictably determine the ROI of their SEO efforts, let me tell you there is no cut and dry answer. The fact is that there is no standard when it comes to SEO.

I will leave you with a thought from Sam’s article, which I think covers the ROI of SEO efforts

He said that SEO is not a short time basis practice. If one Is looking for finding out ROI of his company that is not SEO.

If one is willing for long-lasting, honest traffic and you have the time for it than that’s SEO.

Revenue Driven Rankings

People all over the world does Google search, not just for serious or business stuff but also fun stuff.

It is now as easy as a key click on keyboard. Search Engines are gaining popularity as the primary research tool for consumers. Whoever earns that consumer visitors eye, will rise on ranking.

There many companies and organisations who will provide SEO service for you to have revenue driven ranking. They promise potential traffic and good SEO to you.

Search engine optimisation is only the beginning to get revenue driven high ranking and to have high quality traffic one company/ organisation has many factors to consider.

Results-driven approach is what makes SEO somewhat ft for effective market. Because don’t have any goal then it will be a content stuffed with keywords.

There is no such thing as a free size for all optimisation packages. Effective online marketing needs content, design, and accessibility, everything the search engines use to find your website and give you to the customer.

Thus that is why you will see the result of your SEO and your reputation and performance will drive traffic to you more and more.

We have covered almost all major concepts connected to SEO. Now I will give all that in a nutshell.

You have learnt the importance of keywords, title, anchor etc. You have also learnt the importance of having good quality content in your site.

Finally, we can have the following points as the utmost ethical strategies for achieving optimal ranking:

  • All pages must conform to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  • Keyword stuffing in not good for long term.
  • Always include description to your pictures or files instead of numbers or characters.
  • Keywords are very important in the Title, Meta descriptions and Headings.
  • ALT tags and Title tags are not to be forgotten.

Other there are expert opinion you can follow or read through have better understanding of SEO. Research is very important if your starting on your own with a business plan in hand.

One of the expert is Erin Everhart, Lead Manager of Digital Marketing, SEO, Home Depot

She says that google or any other serach engine will grow, like in 2015 google had some major turnouts considering organic search like,

Google moved from a 7 Map Pack to a 3 Map Pack, which limits some placement opportunities.

It is not serving local results for just a city or near me happenings, its appearing for key terms.

So she is indicating to Importance of Keyword.

She also says that these changes are pushing the traditional 10 of organic listings further down the page.


another expert Brent Csutoras, Founder & CEO of Pixel Road Designs

He mentioned that For too long, they have looked at their online marketing campaigns as checklists, where they would only focus on getting all the checks rather than the quality.

In 2016, they started focusing on the quality of everything they do, from the strategy to the creation.

So here he is talking about good quality content.

Throughout 2016 and may be in 2017 the engines will continue to focus on user experience, quality, and personalising results for each user.

So one have to research what their audience likes, what topics actually become active and create good marketing campaigns directly for the audience one is targeting, and by making sure of the quality is very important.


So you see experts also advices on high quality content and importance of keywords with other good practices.

So you see SEO is not either hard or easy, you have to proceed with good tactics and good investment of time for having actual result. But before that your site may be invisible to search engines


What is SEO, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and Wikipedia explains it very accurately as: “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s like Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic“, or “earned” results.

In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users, and these visitors can be converted into customers. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines” .

If you are a business owner and are looking to improve the visibility of your business, it is actually quite likely that you have heard about search engine optimisation or SEO, unless you have been living under a rock. The amount of benefits that SEO will be able to generate for a company have been found to be immense. In fact, it can really help your company to reach the next level and compete with bigger and more successful companies.

That being said, it is also quite likely that you are looking for an SEO company in Australia who would be able to help you out with your Online marketing (SEO).  However, which SEO company you would ultimately be choosing is not a hard guess, you found our company by searching the web on keywords such SEO + City Name or Online Marketing which proves we know how to market ourselves online. We offer refer to this analogy when it comes to SEO and online marketing : “You won’t entrust your child to a swimming teacher which can’t swim . Then Why Entrust your business to a SEO company which isn’t on page 1 ?

If you are completely new to the concept of SEO, you would first have to understand the wide range of benefits that SEO will be able to provide for your company. Some of the most important, and perhaps the most common are as follows:

  • SEO helps in improving the visibility of the business

One of the most important concepts which is involved in search engine optimisation is keywords. With the help of keywords which have been appropriately designed for your business , then it can go a long way in helping to attract a specific target group of customers. In addition, the keywords are not even limited to one specific geographical location. If the keywords have been designed in such a way, then they can be applied to different customer segments and geographical areas as well.

  • A branding process

There is absolutely no doubt that SEO can help you in generating a greater amount of attention and revenue for your business. On the other hand, even though very few people actually know about it, SEO can also be used as a branding process. This is because with the help of higher search ranking results and an improved design of the website, it can definitely help your company name occupy a greater space in the minds of target customers.

  • Helps in increasing the credibility of the business

In the case of internet customers, they usually tend to believe and go for all those websites which are very easily available to them. The same is the case with SEO and the relationship that it shares with search engine rankings. So with the help of search engine optimization, you will be able to get your company name listed on the top five rankings. This can help in increasing the credibility of your business to quite some extent as well.

  • One of the best ROIs in business

Any kind of activity which you plans to do for your business, you would like to see some kind of return coming out of it. The same is the case with SEO as well. Considered to be one of the best ROIs in business, there are few chances that you can go wrong with this if done in the correct way.


Unlike other Online Marketing Companies where your crucial SEO tasks get passed off to some young intern, who only knows how to follow a template and has no idea how a business works, We will personally working with you to grow your Google ranking and traffic.

Your business will benefit from our 14 years of digital marketing experience personally focussed on getting best online marketing result with the main aim of reaching first page in Google.The improved ranking will drive more traffic to your website and you will enjoy growth of up to 250% year on year like many of our clients.

We know your business is important to you. You’ve poured years of hard work into building it, that’s why it deserves the best SEO money can buy not some inferior, unexperienced or outsourced overseas support.

As you can see from our own ranking results we have no issues competing on some of the most competitive Keywords in the Online marketing industry, rest assure we are more than capable in promoting your company in the online market nish you desire.

section white middle


  1. One of our senior members will assess your website and put together a plan to achieve your goals:
    • keywords research
    • each page on your website will be optimised for the targeted keywords
    • more traffic to your website
    • better ranking in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo
    • overall website improvement and optimisation
    • increase in sale revenue
    • successful return on investment
  2. Daily , weekly and monthly updates on your site depending on the marketing plan you decide to go with
  3. Website will be tested for know vulnerabilities and cyber attacks



In the last few years there has been an influx of overseas markting companies literally spaming everybody with markting email claimng they can achieve everything related to internet marketing and SEO .

They start by giving you a “Guaranteed first page in Google” story which makes your adrenalin flowing through your body. At that point you can actually see the rivers of money flowing from the increased organic traffic you will get by ranking first in Google , Bing, Yahoo or other major search engines.

And is so simple , the only thing you have to provide is access to your credit card and charges can range from $200/month to fabulous sums such as $8000/month.

You will provide some of the keywords you want to be ranked on , they will do a quick analysis of your site and come up with a lot more keywords which will increase the efficency of the search engine optimisation (SEO) to make you feel good. There is a nice timeframe setup with 3,6,9 months or more in which you will see results in the search engine so you are already satisfied that in the first 3 months nothing much will happen in relation to the ranking of your website.

Then the SEO vs adrenaline rush starts to end as the only thing you will get for your money are late replies to your emails, promises that you will se results after the next Google update of your site.

Once you get a bit more impatient you get your site analysed by an “SEO Expert” which take his time , more exactly enough time so the current month will end and you will pay another month of fees.

The the answer is clear, if you haven’t been told early on by now you find out that the reason you don’t promote/rank high in Goolge or other search engines is your website not beeing compatible or built well for search engine ranking.

You do’t have to panic as you are offered a nice package deal to get a new modern SEO friendly website hosted on a fast server and all that won’t be much more than $2000-$3000 + an extra premium monthly hosting fee. At this point you get more money taken form your credit card but at least you are happy that you will get a new optimised website.

The process of getting a new website starts very slow almost inexistent, after a few weeks you patience runs out and you enquire about the new website you are tolld it is almost there. It just needs a few more touches and you will need to point your DNS records to the address given or as most inexperience people do they give all the info to this companies to do the DNS update for then.

Some lucky people get a new website actually built, but in 99% of times is not exactly what they envisoned and as you do, you start asking for changes starting from colour schemes to images and text rearangment . Some people get this changes done as part of the original price, other will have to pay extra as the changes are not part of the original allocated budget. No stress another month has passed and your Credit Card will be debited again.

But now all should be sweet, you have a new SEO friendly website, which can even be mobile friendly website for the lucky few and you are on your way to the promissed organic traffic.

You even start to realise that the website moves a bit faster then before 50% chance is placebo effect, so the key ingredience are coming togehter soon you can afford the dream car and house and boat all from the extra revenue the website will bring to you.

Another month goes by with the excuse that now google needs to index and rank your new website which is partially the truth and you wait and wait.

By the 4th or 5th month you start to slowly realise that even with the new SEO friendly website, or SEO optimised website the extra customers are not buying or ordering your goods and not many more people then before call your advertised phone number.

You get angry and threaten to cancel the deal if you don’t see results complaining that, you didn’t get much for your money, not even close to the SEO results you expected. You already paid good thousnads of $ and the mission of canceling the contract starts by trying to find the actual contract. If you do find it you see the small print which states you still have to pay till the end of the term and the so called quarantees of beeing first in google are not there or are onditional of google whishes to have you on the first page which equals to zero chances of making it there.

So you take the next step, you manage to block the future debits from your credit card or even cancel your credit card and your are releved that the SEO ordeal is over but when you try to browse your newly seo optimsed website you discover that the website is not there.

Again your blood boils and you contact the company to ask what happen to your website and you are reminded that you cancel the contract and you still owe them money so you won’t get the website back till you pay the outstanding amount.

At this point if you didn’t already give up by now you call the quits and you try and contact your previous IT / Web guy to see if he can help you in some way shape or form. If you are lucky the guy still has somewhere an old version of your website if you are unluck he doesnt have it any longer but hey you can pay him again to make you a new website.

And you are back where you started 9 month ago or even worse you have no website , no SEO optimisation , no mobile friendly web pages and no extra traffic. So you do have to pay again somebody else to build you a new website .

There are more variation of the above story such as money back guaranteed but I wont go in to any more bad SEO advetures .


  • More about SEO….

There are millions of pages on the web describing what SEO is and how to get better at it, some information can still be outdated as the search engines page indexing algorithms change regularly.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers:

  • how search engines work
  • what people search for
  • the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines
  • which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience

Optimising a website involves:

  • editing its content
  • improve and fix HTML tags and associated coding (to increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines).
  • increase the number of back-links
  • increase the number of inbound links
  • mobile compatible website (As of May 2015, mobile search has finally surpassed desktop search. Google is developing and pushing mobile search as the future in all of its products)


Don’t think, what’s the cheapest way to do it or what’s the fastest way to do it….think ‘what’s the most amazing way to do it
– Richard Branson | Entrepreneur

Benefits of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

SEO is a process of creating or increasing traffic to website. It is a tactic used to invite people to a website or business. SEO came to use in 1997 according to an industry analyst Danny Sullivan. SEO determines the actual search term entered in a search engine and is used to improve the quality of a website and place it in a high ranking position.

There are two major types of search engine optimisation which are White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Black Hat SEO are not preferred and are described to be improper method of Search Optimisation while the White Hat SEO are the opposite of it. There are tons of documentation and articles about the two methods of optimisation but that is for another article.

Paying for a SEO service is a very good idea because it helps lifting your rank in a search engine.

Are you still thinking of reason why you would need Search engine optimisation?

Here are some of the benefits when using Search Engine Optimisation as part of the online marketing strategies.

Increase in Traffic

SEO is the best way to maximize your website traffic. You can get or generate extra traffic by just posting links on blogs, website but SEO gets traffic targeted to your business.

Obtaining a first page positions on search engine result will turn your online presents in a gold mine because 90% of users won’t browse past first page in Google, Bing, Yahoo or other major search engines.

High Brand Reliability

After entering a keyword in a search engine, the first website listed that match the searched keyword are said to be trustworthy. Ranked high in the search result means your website has what it takes to be reliable. People believe being in the first list of searched keyword means the website is compatible and credible. SEO makes your website more efficient and trustworthy. It makes people want to know more about your website. But the further back your website is on the searched result makes it less important or relative to the searched keyword.


Marketing is the soul of a business. Without proper marketing a business cannot move forward. You don’t start a business and expect people to just walk in and start purchasing your products or your services unless you are unique on the market , even then people need to know about you and trust your company. You need to market what you have so people can see them and give them a reason why they should use the good or service you are offering them. SEO is the best when it comes to marketing. You benefit a lot from using Search Engine Optimisation to market your goods or services. But Search Engine Optimisation is only one thing you need for your website to move forward.

Online and offline Advertising, Branding, ads on website, blogs and social medias also help to strengthen the business. Since your competitors are using SEO and are getting positive returns, you should not slack behind and also take advantage of using Search Engine Optimisation.

Best Marketing ROI ( Return on Investment )

SEO offers the best return on investment for your business. First it runs 24/7 365 days a year ,when you get clicks generate organically as a result of SEO, a much higher percent of the visitors that entered the website turn into sale, leading to faster Return Of investment. Many people may miss-click on paid ads created for your website and that will cost you money on every click without ROI , paid advertising revenue it is direct proportionate to the amount of money you want to spend VS SEO which is a constant monthly fee.

Increasing your Ranking

SEO done right can brings lots of people to your website. It might even be required of you to upgrade the website to a faster more responsive host company for improved user’s experience. Unlike ads, Search Engine Optimisation makes your position permanent. As long as you stay on the first page of Google or other search you will benefit from a continuous online presence and that translates in continue stream of income.

Understanding what SEO is and using it in your business will make you a better online marketer even if you are a beginner in the online business.

However, SEO is not only good for competing online, but also for companies who need to move higher in there market nish.

The money you are going to use to purchase online services and improve your company website SEO are an investment not an expense but you need to make sure you are using the right SEO company.

How to choose an SEO company

How to choose an SEO company it not that hard, just search in Google or Bing or other popular search engine for the keyword “SEO City” ( eg. In Sydney you will search for “SEO Sydney” without the double quotes.)

“SEO City” is one of the most competitive if not the most competitive organic keyword in the SEO industry

Look at the first organic result on the first page in Google or preferred search engine and there you will find reputable companies.

The theory is simple: “You won’t put your savings in a bankrupt bank then why would you trust your company online SEO with a company which doesn’t rank on the first page ?